For any safety concerns you have, we are here for you.

At Certified Safety Inspections, we provide rental safety inspections in Melbourne for landlords and property managers, covering gas, electrical, smoke alarm, and fire inspections, ensuring that we provide our upmost care and work.

Our Services

Electrical Safety Check

Our services involve inspecting electrical appliances, installations, and fittings, including performing earth loop and polarity tests on all accessible power points. These checks must be conducted every two years by a qualified electrician, and a digital audit report will be provided upon completion.

Fire Safety Check

Have peace of mind with our professional fire safety inspection services. Safeguard your property and lives with our meticulous fire safety assessments. Click “Learn More” to see what is included with our check.

Smoke Alarm Check

Gas Safety Check

We provide services that involves inspecting your main gas line, servicing all gas appliances, performing carbon monoxide tests, and identifying any other gas faults. A licensed gas fitter is required to carry out these checks every two years, and we will supply a digital audit report once the work is completed.

Smoke Alarm Safety Check

We offer an annual service for all smoke alarms, conducted by a qualified electrician. This includes free callouts for smoke alarm faults between services, as well as free replacement of batteries and expired or faulty smoke alarms. A digital audit report will be provided once the service is completed.

Who We Work With

Custom Safety Inspections works and collaborates with many different parties and clients, including property managers, rental providers, renters of properties, as well as landlords. We ensure convenient safety checks for all tenants and ensure we provide the best service in doing so.

Property Managers

Property Managers

Rental Providers

Rental Providers



The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2018 took effect on March 29th, 2021, making over 130 changes to the Residential Tenancies Act 1997. One of these changes requires rental providers, or landlords, to conduct electrical & gas safety checks every two years.